I believe in modern hair that is healthy and effortlessly styled, and reflects the spirit of each client’s individual style and life.

— Younghee Kim

Master stylist and hair expert Younghee Kim began her hair styling career under the tutelage of hair icon Vidal Sassoon, and spent over twelve years directing the VS vision as their New York City creative director. In 2000, she founded her signature salon in TriBeca, focusing on creating her distinct low maintenance hairstyles for modern women.

By Younghee continues the unique personal focus of Younghee’s passion by providing an elevated level of bespoke hair care and hair styling for her elite clientele. As part of her commitment to healthy hair, Younghee developed Essential Rinse®, a natural purifying toner that instantly improves the health of your scalp and hair. It has become a viral sensation with fashion editors and beauty bloggers alike.